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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Thoughts about graphic design

Another Great graphic design Article

Intended to modernise the way customers buy hosting products and services, the new domain look up tool allows customers to search for multiple domains, and make changes to their shopping basket, in a single browser window. It also uses Ajax technology for searching instantly - beginning the search as soon as you start typing. All of this means that if a customer wants to register multiple Domain Names and multiple types of TLD in a single order, they can do this in a fast and efficient way by using the new UK2 domain look up.

After contacting them we were told to buy ourselves a reseller hosting

but we didn’t want to do that as their prices were almost 3 times more

that they were with EartHoster. We already had lost 2 annual payments

as you can understand from above, for both accounts that disappeared

on us. So we wrote back and asked for refund as this was not what we

were looking for. They also had money back guarantee, or so we thought.

So you're ready to have your own website?

Congratulations! Here's five easy steps to get started without wasting any time! B)

Tracing your way - ping, traceroute & mtr

Wed, 13 Feb 2008 14:20:24 -0500
means can be likened to a seed, the end to a tree, and there is just
the same inviolable connection between the means and the end as there
is between the seed and the tree. They say: “Means are, after all,
just means.” I would say: “Means are, after all, everything.”
As the means, so the end.........If we take care of the means, we are
bound to reach the end sooner or later..."
- Mahatma Gandhi
There is a lot of information scattered across the Internet about the
different utilities used for network troubleshooting. Yet, few articles
detail the background processes taking place while using these
utilities. To get a complete and precise idea on how tracing and
work in a network, this article analyzes the internal working of 3 network
utilities and checks what makes each of them unique.

What happens if Microsoft bought Yahoo?

Thu, 28 Jun 2007 18:19:45 +0000
There was some speculation in the media earlier last year that Microsoft was going to acquire Yahoo! Inc. Now, what would happen if the world’s software giant Microsoft bought the world’s number one online portal Yahoo!? I am not blogging about search engine issues here though there would be an angle to that too. Well, ...]

In The Sphere: Proms, Teens, and Consulting

Fri, 30 May 2008 19:34:09 +0000
Today’s edition of In The Sphere brings together a rather eclectic collection of posts from around the blogosphere. We have a look at everything from nostalgic memories of your high school graduation to funny moments from everyone’s favorite president. Enjoy!
Darren Barefoot brings up an interesting point about high school graduations. Do we have proms in ...]

Every time you will need to change something on your site, you will have to edit the pages on your computer and upload them again. The website never changes by itself. That's why it's called a "static" site.

Featured graphic design Items

hostgator Features Review

hostgator offers linux hosting only(even though they are expected to start
windows hosting in the near future). All their packages come with all the
features needed for a serious website. Baby and Swamp packages allow unlimited
domains(add on), which makes a lot of sense if you have multiple websites. They
use cPanel, which is the best control panel around. You get Fantastico script
installer which will install most of the popular open source scripts with few

They support PHP4 & 5, SSH, Cron jobs, Python, Ruby On Rails etc. Also, all the
packages include enough POP3 accounts(20 for Hatchling and unlimited for

hostgator Performance Review

hostgator host their sites on top-of-the-line Dual Xeon servers in their data
centers at Dallas. The data centers are well equipped and connects to 10
backbone providers. They offer 99.9% uptime Guarantee which is the industry

We started realtime testing of hostgator uptime on Feb 2008. The test is done on
a site hosted with hostgator, using a third party uptime monitor service. The
result after one week shows 99.78% uptime for our test site hosted with

While this is slightly less than the assure 99.9%, it is the BEST performance
out of top 4 hosts tested. There has never been a single case of site being down
for more than 3 minutes at a stretch. hostgator indeed lived up to their

Click Here to go to hostican website.

The matter on graphic design written here has been written in such a way that it facilitates easy memorization. This memorized matter can later be used.

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